Thursday, May 29, 2008

Random stuff

Yesterday morning I did not feel so great. Not sure what was bugging me; maybe I ate too much of the dry food in the purple bag that Mommy left out the night before. But I didn't eat breakfast.

By yesterday afternoon I was feeling fine. Then Maddie did not feel so great. She was quiet and did not eat dinner. I didn't see her pigging out on the purple-bag food but maybe she did and she had a delayed reaction.

This morning we both felt better but Maddie still did not eat breakfast.

Foxy, Quinn and Gigi all got to go OUTSIDE! This was after the big dog and the little white dog left. Mommy and the others were outside with big tools digging things, and Foxy, Quinn and Gigi all got to go sit in the sun, run in the grass, sit by the pool (not sure I want a bath in THERE) or nap under the big bushes. Usually Foxy goes out to see what she's missing, and then she runs back in. Today she stayed out for a while. Quinn came in with green leaves and bits of flowers all over him.

I decided this was more than I could stand so I ran out the door. Haha, I am so fast! Mommy was playing with the big tools and I am quicker than HER mom, so when she let Gigi in, I took off! I ran around on the porch and hopped up on the wall and felt the wind in my fur...and then mommy came running up to grab me! But She's slow, too, so I ran under the chairs and behind the cabinets and I made Mommy chase me all around. It was so much fun! Mommy was getting annoyed and I was having the greatest time! And her mom was annoyed, and she was yelling, and I was running away.

Then Mommy played a rotten trick on me. She went inside and got the chicken treats! She KNOWS how much I love chicken treats, so I ran in the house. :(

I did get a chicken treat for that. Maddie did not.


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