Friday, February 29, 2008

Hair-Growing Goo?

Mommy has this black bottle on her desk. Earlier today we found out that it is filled with white goo.

It's supposed to grow hair. Seems Mommy is in a big hurry for our hair to grow back where they shaved us for surgery.

Mommy held each of us on her lap and rubbed the goo on our bellies. She seemed to think it smelled good but we were not so sure. Didn't hurt, though, maybe because of the good pain meds.

We don't understand humans. They go every so often to get their hair cut off but they want ours to grow. It's a mystery.

Pink! Ugh!

What is with humans and pink! I'm sitting here watching Mommy change the colors on the blog and offering my advice by pointing at things and trying to show her where to aim the mouse, but it's not working. All the text is pink. What is this, now? Rory's blog? Gigi's blog? What's wrong with a nice shade of blue!

Maddie is playing in a bag. I keep telling her that if we play with everything in the house, the humans will stop buying us our own toys. Gigi says that'll never happen.

We should show you some of our neat toys.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feeling blue

The drugs Mommy put into our food seem to be working better for me than for Trixie. I was on the bed licking Mommy before and I was feeling pretty good, but Trixie was really quiet and walkng a little funny.

I discovered something that is a real bummer! The other day I finally made it onto the kitchen counter! The bad news is, there was nothing fun up there, not even Gigi at the time. The REALLY bad news is, when I tried that a little while ago, it hurt. Won't do that again any time soon! Well, maybe tomorrow.

A Visit To The Docktor

You have to ask Mommy why it has a "k" in it. Quinn says it's wrong and he is pretty smart, probably from sleeping on the laptop so much. But Mommy left it in.

Sometimes we read the other blogs with Mommy. There were things about dogs getting snipped. That did not sound good and we wondered if that would happen to us or if it was just a Dog Thing.

It all started last night after dinner. All the people were watching TV and then it was time to go to bed, and Mommy did a weird thing; she picked up the water fountain and locked it behind a door! Then we went to bed and before it was really light out, mommy woke up, and her daddy woke up, and they got dressed. We were sleeping in a little ball on the bed but since they woke up, we woke up. Then Mommy made us go in a carrier and something was definitely not right. We did not have baths yesterday so we knew it was not a cat show.

We drove for a while and we arrived at a strange place with large dogs in it. We could peek through the carrier cover and we could see them, and one barked! That was so scary. Mommy took us each out and kissed us and handed us to another lady. We went into some cages and Mommy was gone!

What happened next is a mystery. Someone gave us some stuff and we went to sleep. Then we woke up and still no Mommy! Whatever they did hurt and they shaved some hair, which maybe means we can skip some cat shows. After we woke up peopke were coming to see us that we didn't know. They were talking about how CUTE we were, which was a little like a cat show except we had no toys and we were not in our dumb show cage with the nice bed and the fun hammock. We didn't feel like playing anyway.

Finally Mommy came! The people who were with us all day put us in carriers and we drove home. That didn't feel so great. If this is that "snip snip" thing, it's no fun and we don't want to do it ever again.

Now we are tired from the good drugs.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Humans think we are weird!

For some reason, they find this behavior odd.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ha ha, boy is she going to be mad, but it's not my fault she's sleeping so I can sneak onto the blog and tell the story of how she got to be called EvilTrixie.

<gasp> She has her PAW on Quinn!


Our dumb show cage with the nice bed and the fun hammock was at the end of a long row of dumb show cages, right in the doorway where people came in. Next to us on the other side was a cat named Arwen who was also blue and a Somali but she didn't want to play with us I don't think.

Mommy's friend Kathy was standing next to us and she opened the cage at the end. Trixie jumped out and climbed on her. She was climbing on everybody and that did look like fun so I started doing it too. So there was Trixie with her back feet on the table and her front feet on Kathy when suddenly she noticed that the lady behind us with the really gigantic hairy cats had a plate of FOOD so Trixie jumped off Kathy's chest and onto the floor and she hopped up on the lady's table and sneaked around the lady's back to get her chicken leg! She didn't get it though because Kathy grabbed her at the last minute and put her back in the cage. So, no chicken for us and that was a bummer. Then we had to go get judged again and Mommy got Trixie out first and she wouldn't stretch right because she still wanted that chicken.

Oh, and she thinks she's so cool because she can jump onto the counter in the kitchen now, and annoy Gigi. I need to figure out how to do that. There might be fun things up there (besides Gigi).

She still has her paw on Quinn. Should I be worried?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Cat Shows

Yes, some humans really do get worked up about cat shows. Mommy was very unhappy all weekend at the cat show. Seems we were not winning enough ribbons even though we tried our best and were the cutest cats in the place. Mommy said judges don't know anything. The older cats said other things and told us not to repeat them here. Mommy keeps taling about showing us in "hhp".

People come to visit cat shows. We guess they like to see all the cats and buy stuff from other people called "vendors". The "vendors" sell nice toys and beds and we got a couple of new toys. Anyway, lots of the people who came to visit were looking at how cute we were and asking to pet us. They must be smarter than the judges.

Then on the way home SOMEONE made a mess in the carrier so we BOTH got dirty and that made Mommy even more unhappy. We had baths again.

Then all day Mommy didn't feel good so we all took naps on her bed.

Then she said something to her friend about how we should go back to our own region. We need to ask Quinn what a region is. Not now, though, because Gigi walked away from her bowl again and we are still hungry.