Monday, March 17, 2008

Showtime! (Day 2 even though it's Monday)

Who is St Patrick and why does he turn everything green???

We are home from Monroeville and have taken a few naps today.

Yesterday's judges were not as smart as Saturday's judges. They were all giving the good ribbons to blue girls, but in most of the rings it was NOT ONE OF US. This made mommy unhappy. One judge gave the little ruddy with the weird fur a couple of the good ribbons too and the humans were all confused. The good ribbons are blue, black and brown. If there are more than two in the ring, orange is OK, too. The other ruddy got some orange ones and Truly got three brown ones. Maddie got the other one. We learned that the yellow ribbon is NOT good.

Callie, the other blue cat that came with us, got a ribbon yesterday, from the same judge who gave Maddie one. So she got points too.

Kathy has a kitten called Fiona who is cute but not as cute as we are, and she got lots of ribbons including some big purple ones. Kathy's cats all got lots of toys too, so she was giving toys to US! So, we came home with 5 new toys! We liked the glitter ball hanging from the long boingy thing.

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