Sunday, March 9, 2008

EvilTrixie Strikes Again!

We went to a cat show this weekend. Kathy got these big cages for us so we didn't have to go in a carrier. It was a little scary but we got used to it. Well, then Trixie had to use the litterbox on the way home so it wasn't as cozy after that.

Mommy is happy and EvilTrixie has a big swelled head now because she won TWO ribbons and one judge said she was "stunning".

Kathy was showing her household pets. She had Fiona, Sadie and Sam. There were 11 household pets in the show and they only have 10 ribbons so in each ring one cat got a toy instead of a ribbon. The toys were not worth points but the humans liked them, I think. In one of the rings yesterday, Sam got a toy instead of a ribbon.

I was asleep in the nice soft fleecy bed so they were playing with Trixie on mommy's table and Trixie wondered if Kathy had better toys, so she walked over to Kathy's table and checked them out. She decided she wanted the new toy that Sam got so she took it and wouldn't give it back. So Mommy had to go buy Sam another toy and Trixie got us something fun to play with. Then she wouldn't share but eventually I got a turn. It is a piece of some sort of fur hanging on a curly string. That sounds boring I guess, but we liked it, especially Trixie.

Then today she jumped on the floor because she thought Mommy had baby food there.

So she is still EvilTrixie, I am still tired, and Gigi is such a grouch!

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