Monday, February 4, 2008

Cat Shows

Yes, some humans really do get worked up about cat shows. Mommy was very unhappy all weekend at the cat show. Seems we were not winning enough ribbons even though we tried our best and were the cutest cats in the place. Mommy said judges don't know anything. The older cats said other things and told us not to repeat them here. Mommy keeps taling about showing us in "hhp".

People come to visit cat shows. We guess they like to see all the cats and buy stuff from other people called "vendors". The "vendors" sell nice toys and beds and we got a couple of new toys. Anyway, lots of the people who came to visit were looking at how cute we were and asking to pet us. They must be smarter than the judges.

Then on the way home SOMEONE made a mess in the carrier so we BOTH got dirty and that made Mommy even more unhappy. We had baths again.

Then all day Mommy didn't feel good so we all took naps on her bed.

Then she said something to her friend about how we should go back to our own region. We need to ask Quinn what a region is. Not now, though, because Gigi walked away from her bowl again and we are still hungry.

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