But mommy says we can't have one because we don't live in Florida.
She just found out that Trixie has eight points, not nine. :(
Thursday, April 24, 2008
We demand a recount!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We live in a blue state!
The plan for us on Sunday or Monday was to post to this blog and endorse one of the presidential candidates. But then that didn't happen. Mommy was annoyed about stuff that happened at the show on Saturday.
Yesterday Mommy went to vote for the candidate that we all agreed on. She got there and the men told her her name wasn't on the list! That was not good. So she came home and looked all over for a little piece of paper with her name and other stuff on it that we didn't understand. She went back and they still wouldn't let her vote. :(
But HER mom got to vote and we think she voted for the person we want to win. I bet you can all guess who that was.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
We are the Premiers!
I think that's supposed to be "We are the Champions" but CFA won't let us be Champions so we are the Premiers. Yay us. We each had six judges throw little red, white and blue ribbons at us and it takes six to be a premier (or a champion). After the red white and blue ribbons come purple ones. Purple ones come with "grand points" and those are good. Maddie got soem last week, and some rosettes, too. This week it should be my turn but Mommy won't let me finish that sentence and Foxy says we are not supposed to use that kind of language on a blog anyway.